Friday, November 5, 2010

Team Registration Information & How to Receive Points

Thank you for your interest in the Invisible Children Challenge.

This is how it will work: anyone can form a team, a student organization, residence hall floor, RA staff, Area Council, and and and. Teams can be made up of 3 people or 50. If we receive enough team registrations, we'll have a prize for a large team (11 or more members) and a prize for a small team (1-10 members). But it doesn't matter how big or small your team is; it's all about how many people can you reach with the message of Invisible Children.

Check out the How to Receive Points section for information on what initiatives your team can participate in and how points will be awarded. We've tried to give you as many options as possible, so there should be something for everyone. Some of you may decide to only participate in one of those initiatives (e.g. have a screening of an Invisible Children movie advertised to a large number of students) and put all their time and effort into that; others may do many but smaller initiatives. It's entirely up to you how you want to approach the competition.

If you're struggling with coming up with ideas for initiatives, don't hesitate to contact us at We'd be happy to help you!

Ready to start a team now? Go to our Team Registration section and complete your team's registration form. It only take a few minutes.

Timeline for the Invisible Children Challenge:

November-January: Team Recruitment & Registration
February 1: Event Kick-off, teams can now start earning points
April 1: Benefits Concerts and Announcement of the Winners of the Invisible Children Challenge

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